exonym (a name used by outsiders) Europe by the Greek exonym 'Mesopotamia' (Land between the rivers), after the foundation of the Kingdom of Iraq in 1932, it became known by its ancient endonym 'Iraq' An exonym is a name that is applied to an ethnic group by another group or groups of peopleThe name "Sioux" was adopted in English by the 1760s from French It is abbreviated from Nadouessioux, first attested by Jean Nicolet in 1640 The name is sometimes said to be derived from an Ojibwe exonym for the Sioux meaning "little snakes" (compare nadowe "big snakes", used for the Iroquois)Onym (" name ") Noun exonym (plural exonyms) An external name for a place, people or language used by foreigners instead of the nativelanguage version Synonym xenonym Antonyms endonym, autonym Translations See also categoryenExonyms for a list;

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Exonym meaning in english
Exonym meaning in english- Paul Woodman has defined exonym as "a toponym bestowed from the outside, and in a language from the outside" (in Exonyms and the International Standardisation of Geographical Names, 07) For example, Warsaw is the English exonym for the capital of Poland, which the Polish people call Warszawa exonym – a name for a place that is not used within that place by the local inhabitants (neither in the official language of the state nor in local languages), or a name for a people or language that is not used by the people or language to which it refers

This video shows you how to pronounce Exonym1 one for whom or which something is or is believed to be named 2 a name (as of a drug or a disease) based on or derived from an eponym Other Words from eponym Example SentencesExotica definition 1 unusual objects, often ones that have come from a far country 2 unusual objects, often ones Learn more
Exonym definition, a name used by foreigners for a place, as Florence for Firenze See moreThe endonym they use for selfdesignation is " Ghalghai " The endonym, if any, and its language are not known for certain The endonym is pronounced in the Eastern Catalan dialects, and in the Western dialects The endonym of the Japhug language is It's difficult to see endonym in a sentence Rusyn is an endonym of RuthenianFor instance, Deutschland is the endonym for the country that is also known by the exonym Germany in English and Allemagne in French Marcel Aurousseau, an Australian geographer, first used the term exonym in his work The Rendering of Geographical Names (1957) 2 The term endonym was subsequently devised as an antonym for the term exonym
Exonyms synonyms, Exonyms pronunciation, Exonyms translation, English dictionary definition of Exonyms n A name by which one people or social group refers to another and by which the group so named does not refer to itselfEnglish Etymology exo(" outside ") ?Context sentences for "exonyme" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate babla is not responsible for their content French 31 Exonyme et endonyme tenter de définir l'indéfinissable (Naftali Kadmon) more_vert open_in_new Link to source

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An exonym (from Greek éxō, 'outer';What does endonym mean?Exonym "Name used in a specific language for a geographical feature situated outside the area where that language is spoken, and differing in its form from the name used in an official or wellestablished language of that area where the geographical feature is located"

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4 Endonym (Noun) A name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language, as opposed to a name given to them by other groups Endonym 5 For example, Deutschen is the Endonym of a people known in English as German and Mapuche is the Endonym Example, Endonym, English 6Allonym definition, the name of another person taken by an author as a pen name See moreDefinitions of Exonym, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Exonym, analogical dictionary of Exonym (English) Get XML access to fix the meaning of your metadata Please, email us to describe your idea WordGame The English word games

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Exonym n a name given to a place by foreigners Londres is an exonym of London (C from Greek ex1 onym) English Collins Dictionary English Definition & Thesaurus See also exon, exoenzyme, eponym, exonic Add your entry in the Collaborative DictionaryNoun xenonym ( pl xenonyms) A name for a people or a language or a city etc which is not used by the natives themselves Germans, for example, is a xenonym for people who call themselves Deutsche, Cologne a xenonym for Köln, Austria for Österreich etcExonym meaning in english Author Rojeci Fotibufele Subject Exonym meaning in english Warning Can only detect less than 5000 characters¸¸¸ ¼¼žžž,,, ,¾ ð ðð ðððððððð¾¾¾ ð¼ ðº ð ððžžð¾¾¾ Created Date 3/7/ PM

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Video shows what exonym means A name given to a group or category of people by a secondary person or persons other than the people it refers to A place naThe name foreigners use to describe a country or city in contrast to endonym the name the natives useExonym noun A name given to a group or category of people by a secondary person or persons other than the people it refers to Exonyms form a typical (but very useful) example of cultural chauvinism exonym noun A place name or a personal name used by foreigners instead of the nativelanguage version used by its inhabitants, such as Moscow in English for the city called

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A name given to a group or category of people by a secondary person or persons other than the people it refers to Exonyms form a typical (but very useful) example of cultural chauvinism noun 0 0 A place name or a personal name used by foreigners instead of the nativelanguage version used by its inhabitants, such as Moscow in English for the city called Moskva in Russian, or such as A name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language, as opposed to a name given to them by other groups Synonym autonym Antonyms exonym, xenonym exonym ( plural exonyms ) An external name for a place, people or language used by foreigners instead of the nativelanguage version quotations Synonym xenonym Antonyms endonym, autonym 19 January 4, Sarah Zhang, "Why Mandarin Doesn't Come From Chines", in The Atlantic 1 "Mandarin" is what linguists call an exonym, an external name for a place,

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Define exonym exonym synonyms, exonym pronunciation, exonym translation, English dictionary definition of exonym n A name by which one people or social group refers to another and by which the group so named does not refer to itself American Heritage® Dictionary of Exonym definition a name given to a place by foreigners Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesExonym is a place name used by foreigners that differ from the name used by natives Eg LondresLondon DeutschlandGermany HETERONYM Heteronym is one or two words that have the same spelling but different meaning Eg Sewer, Row HOMONYM Homonym is one or two words that have the same spelling or pronunciation but are different in meaning

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DEFINITIONS 1 1 a name for a place that is used by foreigners but not by the people who live there In describing China, European observers had been well aware of the fact that the name they used for the country represents an exonym and thus originally had been unknown to the Chinese Submitted by Natalia from Russian Federation onFurther reading exonym on Wikipedia WikipediaThis is an example of how exonyms and endonyms work An exonym is a name given to a place, person, or thing by an outsider, like visitors calling your

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An exonym is a name of a person, a people group, language, or place used by people of other places and languages An endonym is a name that people of aAnswer Yes, it is As a matter of fact the People of Iran never called their country Persia, it was just a name that stuck on them by the Greeks and Romans In fact they have always called their country Iran or Airya (both mean Land of the Aryans) since the beginning of their history Iran derA name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language, as opposed to a name given to the

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Noun A name for a place or group of people that is only used outside that place or group 'Navajo is an exonym for the people that call themselves the Diné' More example sentences 'Manchuria isExonym see also Exonym exonym (English) Origin & history exo ("outside") onym ("name") Noun exonym (pl exonyms) A name given to a group or category of people byDefinition of Exonym An exonym or xenonym is an external name for a geographical place, group of people, or language/dialect a common name used only outside the place, group or linguistic community in question, usually for historical reasons Conversely, an endonym or autonym, from the Greek root words , éndon, "within" or , auto, "self" and ὄνομα, ónoma, "name", is given by

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What does Sioux mean in French?Enwiktionary16 noun A name used by a group or category of people to refer to themselves or their language, as opposed to a name given to them by other groups For example, Deutsche is the endonym of a people known in English as German and Mapuche is the endonym for the people referred to by outsiders as Araucanos enwiktionaryorgA name given to a group or category of people or historical persons by a secondary person or persons other than the people it refers to a name given to a place by foreigners Show declension of exonym exonym ( plural exonyms) Automatic translation stem ming

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